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Common Mistakes Made By Novice Gardeners

6 min read October 8, 2021 Jessica Ling
Gardener And Plants Gloves

It is in the early years that novice gardeners make the most mistakes. In order not to learn from your bitter experience, you can learn in advance about all kinds of mistakes and avoid them. Thus, you will save yourself from possible disappointments, and you will be able to grow a good and rich harvest.

Typical Mistakes Made By Novice Gardeners

Before starting to engage in a garden, you should take your time and study all the nuances of this case. In order for the harvest to please you, try to avoid possible problems in advance. This article will help you avoid mistakes that almost all novice gardeners make. And experienced hard workers will be able to make sure of the correctness of their actions.

Mistake 1: Choosing The Wrong Landing Site

One of the common mistakes many beginners make is choosing the wrong landing site. Before putting anything into the soil, it is worth finding out which plant was in this place last year. The fact is that some plants receive nutrients from the upper soil layer, while others, on the contrary, from the lower one. Therefore, it is recommended not to plant the same plant in the same area for several years. After all, this way the harvest will be worse than last season. It is also important to consider the neighborhood. The plant that is planted next to the slopes influence each other. Some can oppress each other. The latter, on the contrary, live in symbiosis, scaring away pests, protecting each other from the scorching sun, and restraining the growth of weeds. As for the garden, it is also important to choose the right place. If you plan to plant a tree, then consider the dimensions to which it can grow. It should not interfere in any way, because then you will have to constantly cut down the branches. When planting flower beds, take into account the peculiarity of some plants to grow.

Mistake 2: Planting The Plant Too Early

 Another common mistake of many novice gardeners is planting plants ahead of time. We often do this in order to get an early harvest. But in a hurry, the seedlings may die altogether. So be patient. It is important to remember that some vegetables require not only warm days but also warm nights. In addition, experienced gardeners advise keeping the purchased seedlings outside for a while before planting. So that they get used to the temperature. Another useful life hack is to use plastic bottles. They can be used to build mini-greenhouses that will protect the plant from the cold. Also, the seed packages often have information on when is the best time to plant the plant. This moment should not be neglected.

Mistake 3: Overwatering

This mistake is often made not only by beginners but also by experienced farmers. Undoubtedly, it is very important to maintain good soil moisture. But the roots of plants must breathe, and excess moisture prevents this. Therefore, it is imperative to take into account how much water is needed for a particular plant. To keep moisture in the soil, it is worth using mulching.

It is also recommended to loosen the soil before watering so that a soil crust does not form on it. And you also need to do this taking into account the time of day and weather. By watering plants in the sun, water droplets can turn into scalding lenses that harm the plant. Therefore, it is better to water the garden in the absence of bright sun – in the morning or in the evening. Experienced gardeners often install barrels of water in the garden. During the day, the sun heats this water. Many heat-loving crops adore being watered with heated water.

Mistake 4: Choosing The Wrong Plant

Choosing the wrong plant is also one of the most common mistakes beginners make. Breeders day and night are working on the development of new varieties and hybrids that are suitable for a particular climatic zone. It is very important to consider exactly whether a given plant is suitable for your climate. After buying seeds because of the beautiful name or packaging, get ready for this that the plant may die altogether. Therefore, when purchasing seeds, consider whether they are regionalized in your region. As for the seedlings, you should not choose those seedlings that have an abundance of green mass. After all, this is often a sign of a defective product. The fact is that the abundance of green mass indicates that the strength of the plant was directed precisely at the growth of foliage and stems. And it should – on the formation of the root system. Therefore, having planted such a seedling, be prepared for the plant to dry out soon. Therefore, when choosing a seedling, pay attention to its root. It is then that you will be able to choose the right seedling that will endure the transplanting process and will be well accepted in a new place.

Mistake 5: Neglect Or Abuse Of Fertilizer Use

A healthy garden needs regular fertilization or well-balanced organic feeding. The same goes for the vegetable garden. It is important to remember that various fertilizers are used to improve the structure of the soil, as well as fill it with nutrients. This helps to increase yields. Therefore, if you want to get good yields, you should not neglect the use of fertilizers. But it is also important to know when to stop, otherwise, you will only harm the plant. There are two types of fertilizers, mineral and organic. Organic ones are considered safer. But their disadvantage is the slow effect on the soil. At that time, mineral fertilizers have a quick effect and have a high concentration of essential substances. When using them, you should definitely adhere to the recommended dose. Otherwise, the crop will be saturated with nitrates. And this is unsafe for your health.

Mistake 6: neglect regular garden maintenance

It is very important to remember that the garden needs constant care. When allowing weeds to appear, keep in mind that they will affect plant growth. In addition, it will help attract various pests. It is also important to weed the beds in the fall after the harvest has already been harvested. It is important to remember that both weed plants and horticultural crops have an hour-long growing season ending with ripening and scattering. 

As you can see, keeping your garden or vegetable garden requires proper work. But avoiding all of these mistakes is not so difficult. By following these tips, you will be able to grow good vegetables and fruits. Undoubtedly, this process has many more nuances, but this information is quite enough for novice gardeners.