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Home workout minimum set of equipment

7 min read September 3, 2021 Jessica Ling
Equipment For Home Workout Blue

Not every person has the opportunity to work out in the gym. There may be many reasons for this: lack of time, lack of funds, or fear of feeling uncomfortable. But this does not mean that sports should be abandoned altogether. Indeed, in the modern world, it has long become popular to study and train at home. All you need is to stock up on motivation and get the minimum set of equipment. Plus, home workouts have many benefits. First of all, it is a convenient way to save money and keep yourself in good shape.

What should be included in the minimum set of equipment for home workouts?

For high-quality training and the development of muscles, it is not at all necessary to purchase professional simulators. It will be enough to acquire a minimum set of inventory. It will help to pump all muscle groups and achieve a toned body. An important factor is the correct exercises and training plan. A trainer will help you with this. But we will talk about what should be included in the minimum set for home workouts in this article.

Gymnastic mat

For sports at home, first of all, it is worth purchasing a gymnastic mat. It will be needed for exercises that are performed while lying down. Its main purpose is to protect the spine, knees, palms, feet, and head from possible injury and pain. Therefore, do not underestimate its importance. The denser and thicker the mat you choose, the more comfortable it will be for you to practice. This attribute will be useful at any season of the year. For example, in winter, it will protect you from the cold floor. And in the summer you can lay it on the ground and train in nature. This way, you will provide yourself with a comfortable and safe workout environment at home.

How to choose a home workout mat?

To determine the length of the rug, simply add 4 “to your height and the width should be approximately 20-24”. When buying a rug for indoor exercises, give preference to options, the thickness of which is 5-6 mm. For outdoor training, it is advisable to choose thicker mats – 8-16 mm. And remember that a gymnastic mat should be included in the minimum set of equipment for home workouts.

Skipping rope

This sports equipment is one of the most affordable and familiar to us from childhood. The jump rope can effectively replace any cardio equipment. In addition, it pumps almost all muscle groups: calves, thighs, legs, abs, back muscles, and arms. In addition to effective training with a rope, you can also improve your health. Rope exercises have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and speed up metabolism. A one-hour workout can burn 900 calories. And with regular exercises, it can help you lose about 11 pounds in a month. Therefore, training with this sports equipment will bring you good results.

How to choose a rope?

Choosing a rope is a fairly simple task. It is best to purchase a skipping rope with a counter. Thus, you will know the number of jumps or calorie consumption. In order to choose a rope in accordance with your height, you need to stand in the middle of it with both feet and pull it along your body. In this position, the ends of the rope without handles should be at the level of the belt, and the handles should be at the level of the armpits. In this way, you will be able to choose the most optimal length. Alternatively, you can purchase a rope with a length adjustment function. This will allow you to customize it in the most convenient way for you.

Expander tape

The Resistance Band is the perfect home workout equipment. With it, you can add some weight training to your regular exercise routine. In addition, it has fairly lightweight and takes up little space. Therefore, the expander tape is convenient to carry and so you may use it anywhere and anytime. In comparison with conventional weights and dumbbells, this purchase is the most budgetary. The expander belt is a versatile equipment for home workouts since it can be used to work out the muscles of the back, and the muscles of the arms, and the muscles of the legs. In addition, resistance band training is recognized as one of the most effective and safe workouts for muscles and joints.

How to choose an expander tape

The tapes differ among themselves according to the degree of resistance. If you are a beginner, choose a low resistance band, approximately 2 to 7 pounds. Once you get used to this load, it is advisable to purchase a resistance band with a higher level of resistance.


This is one of the most popular home workout equipment. They are a versatile tool with which you can target different muscle groups. Do both strength and aerobic exercise. In addition, the dumbbells are quite mobile. You can take them with you on a trip, to nature, and to any other place. They are compact in size, so they are very easy to store and do not take up much space.

How to choose dumbbells

If you are a beginner, then you should give preference to dumbbells with minimum weight. Thus, you will not harm the body and at the same time achieve the desired result. Girls can start their workouts with a weight of 4 to 9 pounds to keep their bodies in good shape. Аor men – 6 to 13 pounds is a good starter’s option. For fitness training, the required dumbbell weight is 2 to 7 pounds. Once you get used to this load, it is worth purchasing dumbbells with a slightly higher weight. There are special collapsible dumbbells or dumbbell rows with shells of different weights.

Barbell with plates

This sports equipment is suitable for both men and women. It can be used to perform a variety of strength exercises that will help build muscle. The barbell can be a great alternative to dumbbells. And thanks to the ability to remove the plates, you can control the load. The barbell with removable plates can be easily stored unassembled. But in comparison with the above inventory, it still takes up more space. In addition, the barbell is a rather expensive sports accessory. But thanks to its presence, you will be able to tone the body in the shortest lines.

How to choose a barbell for home workouts?

There are special home barbells, they are also called amateur barbells. This type of barbell is the most budget-friendly and ideal for beginners. They are quite short in length and are limited in weight to 220-160 pounds. The weight of the bar can be controlled with removable plates. It is worth starting with minimum weight, gradually increasing the load.

As you can see, the minimum set of inventory includes only 5 items. Using them at home workouts, you will be able not only to tone your body but also to achieve an ideal figure. The main thing is to take responsibility for the choice of inventory and take into account all of the above recommendations. It is also advisable to consult with a specialist or read reviews. And then you will definitely be able to get in shape without leaving the walls of the house.