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How to get rid of mold in your home quickly and efficiently

7 min read July 5, 2021 John Edwards
Get Rid Of Mold In Your Home Wall Floor

Mold develops from the smallest spores that arise in conditions of high humidity and insufficient ventilation.

Mold is a fairly common phenomenon that can be found in both residential and non-residential premises. Mold develops from the smallest spores that arise in conditions of high humidity and insufficient ventilation. The black mold plaque that appears on the walls or ceiling not only becomes an aesthetic defect in the interior but also poses a huge threat to the health of residents. Therefore, it is very important to start dealing with the problem in a timely manner. To do this, you should know how to get rid of mold in the house on your own.

Note that preventing the appearance of mold can be easier than getting rid of it. You may want to read this article How to prevent mold from occurring in your home for some helpful tips.

Mold is not an aesthetic and dangerous phenomenon that has a toxic effect on the human body.

Fungal spores spread very rapidly and are difficult to remove from surfaces. The extremely small size of the spores allows them to spread quickly, penetrating through the finishing layers to the floors and walls. As a result, the structure of the interior decoration deteriorates, and the buildings themselves lose their attractive appearance and are slowly destroyed from the inside.

Mold has a strong toxic effect on human health. Mold is extremely dangerous for pregnant girls, children, people with weak immune systems, and the elderly. Living in rooms affected by fungal plaque, people sooner or later begin to suffer from various diseases: skin pathologies, cardiovascular diseases, abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, migraines, oral diseases, frequent respiratory diseases, acute respiratory infections, etc.

Damp conditions are ideal for fungal spores. Other causes of black plaque:

  • fungal spores can enter buildings on the soles of shoes from the street and even enter the premises through the external ventilation system;
  • mold may appear due to poor performance of the heating system and problems with the ventilation system, poorly equipped building waterproofing;
  • constantly forming condensation on the elements of communications, metal parts and plumbing is a provoking factor;
  • regular flooding of an apartment by neighbors from the upper floors in multi-story buildings contributes to the development of fungal spores;
  • Dirty filters in air conditioners become an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic spores.

The main ways to get rid of mold in an apartment or house

It is quite successful and independently you can eliminate the fungus if you start fighting in the early stages of plaque development. In the case of local damage to surfaces, major repairs will have to be made indoors, and this is a very labor-intensive and expensive process. When detecting fungal spores, it is worth starting with effective improvised means.

Household compounds for removing mold from surfaces:

Table vinegar is an excellent and effective remedy for fighting mold. Vinegar helps to get rid of black plaque and stains on hard and dense surfaces (tiles, plumbing, plastic window sills). It should be applied to the affected areas with a piece of cloth or by spraying with a spray bottle. After applying the vinegar, the surfaces should be thoroughly washed and rinsed with water. After processing, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

Household Compaunds Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best antibacterial agents against fungal spores. Surely it can be found in every home among other medicines in the first aid kit. A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is ideal to kill harmful bacteria. To treat infected areas, hydrogen peroxide must be applied periodically – the first few times to clean the surfaces of the fungus, and subsequent times to prevent its reappearance.

Household Compaunds Ammonium Alcohol

Ammonium alcohol is another helper in the fight against harmful bacteria. To remove mold, you need to use ammonia, previously diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. This tool is great for removing black plaque from flat and smooth surfaces (tiles, glass, plastic window sills, and furniture facades).

Household Compaunds Kitchen Soda

Kitchen soda is another proven and effective way to get rid of mold. The alkaline environment prevents the growth and spread of harmful bacteria. Therefore, the infected areas can be regularly treated with a mix of soda and water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. for 1 cup of water. This method is suitable for those who are afraid of toxicity and do not accept pungent odors.

Commercial products that can be used against mold:

Commercial Products Bleachers

Household chemical mixtures with bleaching properties are good helpers in the fight for a clean house without mold and mildew. Affordable and easy to use, bleaches act quite aggressively on pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to treat the areas affected by the fungus with gloves and using a stiff brush. After using bleaching chemicals, surfaces should be thoroughly washed with water.

Commercial Products Copper Sulfate

Copper sulfate is a simple remedy to get rid of mold. It is not available in every home, but it can be easily purchased at hardware stores. Before use, vitriol granules should be diluted in clean warm water in a ratio of 20 grams per 1 liter. To increase the effectiveness of the product, 1 tablespoon of vinegar can be added to the finished solution.

Commercial Products Chemical

Special solutions and professional formulations designed to destroy mold and prevent its development, they can have a different composition and, accordingly, different areas of application. Most often, the chemistry against fungal plaque is universal – it can be used to remove spores from tiles, plastic and wooden surfaces, drywall, brick. It is advisable to work with such means in a respirator and gloves. After processing, the premises should be cleaned and ventilated.

Is it possible to make the mold disappear and not reappear?

The formation and spread of fungal spores can be stopped using proven agents and formulations with repeated use. But so that plaque does not appear again, it is worth periodically taking preventive measures and following the recommendations: fghfg

  • often and thoroughly ventilate the house and apartment, leaving open windows and doors;
  • control the level of humidity and temperature indicators in the premises;
  • carry out regular cleaning to remove moisture residues from surfaces;
  • water and spray indoor plants as needed;
  • dry things thoroughly after washing;
  • do not close the washing machine after washing, letting the drum dry;
  • do not store dried flowers in the house;
  • monitor communication systems and promptly eliminate condensation and leaks;
  • install a ventilation system with air recovery function;
  • timely clean filters in air conditioners and replace them;
  • keep the doors to the bathroom and toilet open;
  • when arranging the interior, arrange furniture so that there is a gap between it and the walls for free movement of air flows;
  • monitor the condition of the windows in the cold season and provide additional openings for air circulation in the event of condensation.

Using techniques to eliminate mold, excluding favorable conditions for its development, you can once and for all forget about the problem of black plaque and enjoy a safe and comfortable living in an apartment or house.