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The most common mistakes in the choice of materials for the floor

9 min read August 20, 2021 Jessica Ling
Floor Coverings Different Materials

The floor in any interior plays one of the main roles. By choosing the right flooring, you will be able not only to complement the interior but also to provide the desired comfort. There are a large number of finishing materials, and this complicates the selection process. And since the floor is a part of the interior that comes into contact with the human body every day, then this choice should be carefully considered.

The main mistakes that are made when choosing a floor covering

Modern materials for flooring are quite diverse. They differ in cost, properties, composition, and purpose. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. That is why, when choosing a floor covering, many make mistakes. And this entails both financial expenses and a decrease in the level of comfort. Therefore, before deciding on a choice, read the selection of the most common mistakes.

1. Choose one finish for all rooms

One Floor In All Rooms Parket

A common problem that many admit during the renovation phase is to choose one finish for all rooms. This is often done in order to save money. But it is worth remembering that the floor covering not only decorates the floor but also protects it from moisture and mechanical stress. By doing this, you will only reduce the life of the flooring. Consequently, in one room the flooring will last as long as required, and in the second – much less. That is why you should not decorate the whole house with the same flooring.

2. Wrong choice of floor material for a particular room

Wrong Choise Of Floor Parket Brown

From the point above, you learned that you should not arrange all the rooms with the same floor covering. Then the question arises: what to focus on when choosing a floor covering? First of all, it is worth considering all the features of the selected room. Waterproof materials are suitable for the bathroom and kitchen; it is advisable to lay a covering in the living room that will complement the interior. The bedroom and the nursery require a warm floor on which you can walk barefoot. For example, wood would be the worst solution for a bathroom, because this material is not intended for rooms with a similar climate. Tiles work best. An unfortunate choice would be to make the floor of the nursery or bedroom tiled. Such a solution is unlikely to provide you the comfort you need. For these rooms, it is better to choose warm materials, for example, parquet, carpet, laminate, and marmoleum.

3. Incorrectly matched color

Wrong Color Of Floor Blue

Before deciding on the color of the flooring, it is worth considering the color scheme of the room. Colors of furniture, walls, and ceiling. Designers have long been using no more than 3 colors in one room. Therefore, the floor covering must be one of the main shades. It looks especially good when the floor and door have the same color. It looks stylish and harmonious. It is also worth considering some of the abilities of a particular shade. For example, light colors allow you to visually expand the space of a room and combine well with most shades. Cold colors are not recommended for northern and small rooms. They will look more appropriate in spacious rooms with good natural light.

4. Do not take into account the combination of underfloor heating system with floor covering

Underfloor Heating System Parket

The underfloor heating system was designed for comfort. But it is very important that it is not only comfortable but also safe. This is why it is so important to choose the right floor covering. When installing floor coverings on a warm floor, you should avoid natural wood-based materials – parquet and laminate. Constant exposure to elevated temperatures leads to the formation of seams, cracking, and crumbling of the coating. Linoleum is also not suitable. This is due to the fact that when heated, linoleum can release substances that are harmful to human health. Ceramic tiles and porcelain stoneware will be an ideal covering for a warm floor. They warm up well and are able to retain heat.

5. Use home flooring in the garage

Home Floor In Garage Wood

Those floor coverings that are laid in the house are not at all suitable for a garage. After all, the floor in the garage must meet many requirements. First, it must be able to withstand regular loads from the vehicle’s weight. Secondly, be resistant to moisture, aggressive substances, fire, and temperature extremes. Third, have good strength. Therefore, the choice of flooring for a garage is quite a responsible matter. Coatings such as wood, concrete, porcelain stoneware, paving slabs, and acid-resistant ceramic tiles are suitable. And if you want to know more about garage flooring options, please click THIS link.

6. Do not take into account the presence of children and animals

High Quality Linoleum Colours

Children and animals are the first who can spoil the flooring in any way. To avoid unnecessary expenses, consider this factor when choosing. If you have four-footed pets, then wear-resistant materials should be preferred. It is not recommended to use a wooden floor, as soon the animals will ruin it with their claws. But high-quality linoleum is not afraid of claws and active games. If you have children, then you should take care that the material is not cold. It will not be superfluous to place a carpet on the floor.

7. Choose slippery tiles

Slippery Tiles Floor Green

Another common mistake when choosing floor materials is the purchase of a slippery tile surface. Many people make this mistake because this surface looks very nice. But it is worth considering that it is the most traumatic. Especially when water gets on the floor. Therefore, designers recommend choosing a similar material for wall decoration, and not for the floor. Rough surfaces with a special anti-slip coating should be preferred.

8. Do not take into account the thickness of different types of coatings.

Thickness Of Floor Covering Parket

Quite often, the screed is poured before deciding on the choice of finishing material. It is very important to take into account the factor that different coatings may differ in thickness. When laying different coatings on the same screed, the surface is uneven. And this becomes the cause of the deformation of the floor covering. Subsequently, the entire coverage area will need to be dismantled. Sometimes they try to mask this situation with the help of a nut. But this does not always save the situation. And in order to avoid this mistake, always consider the thickness of the flooring.

9. Violate the technology of laying the floor covering

Violate The Floor Technology Grey

Before you start laying the flooring, it is worth providing a perfectly flat and high-quality screed. After all, having missed this moment, any coating will not look so attractive. It is also worth waiting a few days for the screed to dry completely. It is important to take into account the laying technology because it has its own for each material. For example, wood flooring and engineered planks can be screed-mounted. The tiles are laid on the tile adhesive and the laminate on the backing. It is advisable to lay the parquet board “floating” or with the help of glue.

10. Do not take into account the available stock of materials

Stock Of Floor Materials Wood

When laying any floor material, it becomes necessary to cut and shorten it somewhere. If you do not take care of the availability of spare materials in advance, you will have to re-go to the store. In this case, you may encounter a problem if such material is no longer available. Or they will stop producing it altogether. To avoid this problem, always try to keep some amount of the material in reserve.

11. Choose an overly textured finish

Wood Texture Floor Relief

The textured coating itself looks interesting and extraordinary. Recessed reliefs and chamfers can attract the attention of any guest. But such a coating requires careful maintenance. This is due to the fact that this material tends to collect a lot of dust, dirt, and microorganisms.

12. Ignore room configuration

Ignore Room Configuration Grey Parket

With the right flooring, you can visually expand or enlarge the space. For example, in order to make a narrow room wider, it is worth laying a laminate or parquet board across. And the floor covering with a three-strip pattern can visually increase the space of the room. If the room is small, then only one type of floor material should be used in it. It is possible to combine several floor coverings with each other in large and spacious rooms.

13. Complete the installation yourself

Installation Of Floor By Yourself Parket

Few of us install floors, but those who do it without professional skills and equipment almost always make gross mistakes. Before laying, it is imperative to carry out preparatory work. After all, whatever the underlying flooring, the main requirements for it are dryness and evenness. It is very important to consider the type of flooring and the technology of its installation. And also some useful recommendations can be heard from consultants. Do not neglect the importance of this information. If you have even the slightest doubt and you are afraid to do something wrong. Then it is worth seeking help from a specialist.

As you already understood, choosing a floor covering is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. The main thing is to avoid the above 10 mistakes. In addition, also build on your own preferences. By observing all these rules, you will be able to make the best choice.