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A must-have inventory for every hobby gardener

7 min read September 21, 2021 Jessica Ling
Inventory For Every Gardener All You Need

A private plot with a large yard, a barbecue area, a blooming flower bed, a beautiful lawn, and a luxurious garden is an ideal place for relaxation, solitude, and the embodiment of your intimate landscape ideas. Now there are many options and methods for arranging and maintaining the area near the house. To implement them, it is important to acquire useful tools and accessories. What must-have tools you should get for gardening, read below.

Tools to facilitate earthwork

The modern market offers a lot of accessories and devices that not only allow you to quickly and easily carry out excavation work but also greatly facilitate their implementation. Such equipment and tools also contribute to an increase in the quality of the tasks performed. Therefore, in the workshop of each owner of private real estate must be present:

Shovels of various shapes and sizes. For minor excavation work, small sapper shovels may come in handy. But for digging large holes or trenches, shovels, bayonet shovels must be present in the arsenal. It is advisable to purchase products, the working plane of which is made of titanium alloys or stainless steel. Budget models are usually made from carbon steel. For the convenience of using such tools, it is important to correctly select the handles in accordance with the height of the owner.

Rake, pitchfork. With their help, you can quickly and easily collect mowed grass from the lawn, foliage falling from the trees and debris. Having in the arsenal of a rake with strong metal teeth, garden owners can independently form the subgrade, leveling its surface and breaking large lumps of earth. The pitchfork will come in handy when you need to move or load bulky fragments onto a wheelbarrow.


Amateur gardeners, as well as professionals, should have 2-3 hoes with working blades of different sizes. They may be needed for cultivating the soil, forming beds in the right places, as well as for plowing the soil around trees. The last mentioned procedure is especially useful and important, as it ensures good air permeability and full development of the plantings.

To remove weeds with roots, owners of garden plots can use not only hoes but also special root removers. Such devices are made in the form of a screwdriver and allow you to quickly remove the part of an unnecessary plant growing in the ground.

Accessories and containers for irrigation, water storage

For good growth, flowering, and fruiting of garden trees, watering is needed. With minimal effort, a watering can and buckets, as well as hoses laid from a water source, will help provide it. Watering cans can be purchased, both plastic and made of galvanized iron with a removable or replaceable tip. As for the capacity of containers, when buying goods for irrigation, you should focus on the individual physical capabilities of a particular person.

If there is a centralized water supply on the territory of the garden or plot, then for watering trees and other plantations, you can use hoses with a pressure-regulating nozzle or organize an irrigation system with an automatic water supply. Sprayers also have a place to be on the gardener’s must-have list. With the help of such equipment, trees and shrubs are treated for harmful insects and diseases.

Tree care equipment

In order for trees to delight gardeners with their beautiful appearance and abundant flowering (or fruiting), additional care is required. In particular, pruning branches. It is essential for the proper crown formation and optimal plant growth.

To facilitate the work of garden owners, experts recommend acquiring a whole set of tools:

Hand Saw Wood
hand saw (hacksaw)
Ax Wood
Garden Pruner Red
garden pruner
Brush Cutters For Garden
brush cutters (or scissors)

It is customary to cut large branches with a hacksaw or remove them from the trunk with an ax. But it is much more convenient and faster to prune trees with a chain saw (electric or gas). Therefore, such tools should definitely be in the gardener’s workshop. If not only fruit and ornamental trees but also shrubs are planted in the backyard, it is more comfortable to prune them using pruners and garden hedge trimmers.

Garden owners may also need a stepladder or ladder, depending on which plants are growing in the garden. During harvesting, ripe fruits from trees, a gardener cannot do without a special basket. They are small devices with grooves on the sidewalls and can be equipped with special pruning shears with a rope to comfortably cut fruit from the branches.

Related accessories

Happy gardeners strive to make it as easy as possible to get the job done on the property. For this, in addition to the above products, gardeners usually acquire a variety of related accessories.

For example, they have a cart in their arsenal. Two- or one-wheeled carts are perfect for transporting seedlings, necessary tools, and items around the site, removing garbage, or transporting containers with water for irrigation (in the absence of another option). Garden wheelbarrows differ not only in design, but also in carrying capacity and spaciousness. When choosing the right model, these parameters should definitely be taken into account in accordance with the amount of work in the garden.

A container is also useful in any garden area. This is a very useful and necessary thing for those who wish to maintain order in the territory. Special plastic containers can be used for garbage collection, storage of work equipment, or water.

The main tools for doing garden work are hands. Therefore, the gardener must take care of their protection. For this, it is worth getting special gloves.

A wide variety of products can be found on the market for garden accessories. The simplest and most inexpensive are usually made from textiles. They are comfortable, practical when pruning trees and cleaning the territory, but not durable. An alternative to such gloves is considered to be products made of durable textiles with a rubberized work surface. They are more comfortable, able to simplify excavation, and last for many seasons. You can also find interesting models with removable fingertips. With these gloves, it is convenient to form small beds, remove weeds, and plant plants.

As you can see, the list of must-have equipment for a garden is not so long and includes only traditional tools, without which it will not be possible to do on a personal plot. A competent selection of accessories will not only facilitate the gardener’s work but also make it comfortable and enjoyable.